Social Media Break

Published on 8 October 2024 at 08:00

Good morning, Readers!

I am now fully recovered from whatever ailment struck me down for the past two weekends. I'm feeling much more myself, though am currently nursing a headache that is the product of all the sleep I've been catching up on Sunday. It's not good to spend the whole day horizontal, it turns out.

Since getting ill, I haven't been on social media as much. Even when I'm not unwell, I'm stretched a little thin trying to keep up with everything that is happening with my volunteer position, trying to get that stupid final book completed, and doing the art stuff I need to finish my other projects. I really need to get on that painting for Can*Con.

The break from social media has been a blessing, really. I feel a little calmer, and less sad about, well.... everything. The world really is on fire.

I also know I'm shooting myself in the foot when it comes to book promotion. I should be on the socials, promoting the hell out of the reprint of The Dying God & Other Stories, my Ko-Fi page, and the serial The New Haven Incident. Not to mention paving the way for my yet-to-be released The Lioness of Shara Mountain. But I'm not. I just can't find the strength/effort to do it.

​Of course, in a few month's time, I shall complain about lack of sales, knowing full well it's all my fault.

It's a constant problem of mine. I know I need to be on social media in order to promote my stuff. But I hate being on social media. I'm quickly overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of bad news, everyone else promoting their stuff, and constantly comparing my efforts to other authors. Some people thrive in this space. I am not one of those.

Granted, many of those authors I'm comparing myself to have advantages I do not. Some are able to work full time on their books and promotion, as their significant others earn enough for them to do so (and are very supportive). I... do not have a significant other. I live by myself. Well... it's me and the cat. There isn't anyone else I can rely on for either emotional or financial support, or housework, for that matter. Galahad will certainly never pull his weight. I have to work two jobs in order to make ends meet. Of course I have less energy and time for writing and promotion.

And yet...

Even knowing logically that I'm doing what I can with what I have, not being able to promote as much as others has been chaffing at me. Despite my logical brain telling me that I'm doing everything I can, my emotional brain is telling me that it's not enough. Staying away from social media has been both a boon and a curse.

I'm less overwhelmed, and I'm more frustrated.

Go figure.

Maybe I should take a third job so I can afford to pay an assistant. Don't stress on my behalf. I won't. I don't have the time.

Anyway, I'm just venting right now, so I'll leave it there. I hope you're all well!

Slán go foill!

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