Returning to Normal

Published on 17 September 2024 at 08:00

Good morning, Readers!

Well, I am feeling much more myself today that I have for a little while. There are two main reasons for this.

First, I have returned to martial arts. Granted classes at Wutan Canada have started already. They started on the 10th. I missed a week as I was recovering from ComicCon (and everything else going on), and was not in the right mental or physical space for dealing with a class full of people. Listen, when I tell you it takes me a while to recover from interacting with a lot of people, I am not joking.

The classes I teach began on the 14th. It was so lovely to be back. I was struck, as I usually am after returning from a break, by how much I missed this class, and how awesome it is to be teaching it. I didn't get to train as I normally do when I'm not teaching, but I did do some of the warm ups.

I am sore today! I was worse yesterday, to be sure. It's a good kind of sore, though. The kind of sore that tells you that you've been doing actual work. So it hurts, and it sucks, but it's also awesome. Don't ask me the psychology behind that. I couldn't tell you. I'm just very happy to be this kind of sore again.

Since I'm mostly recovered from ComicCon, I will be returning to training Tuesday and Thursday evenings, which will be good. I missed most of the summer semester because my left foot has been giving me trouble and I was trying to be good and rest it. I have absolutely no doubt that my time away from training didn't help my mood any. I really needed to punch and kick away some frustrations.

My foot isn't properly healed. I'm still having some issues, but I'm working on them. I can't be away from training any longer. I'm going to go insane.

Yesterday was a very slow day for me. There were things I wanted to do; not least of all get started on a painting I intend to donate to Can*Con, but that didn't happen. I woke to feed the cat his breakfast and, feeling utterly exhausted, returned to bed. I woke again to receive my groceries (I get them delivered, as I don't have a vehicle, and walking to and from the shop with a week's worth of food would do my back in for sure), unpacked them, ate my breakfast... and then immediately went back to sleep.

I woke in the middle of the afternoon to do my laundry. Went back to sleep. Woke to feed the cat his dinner, make myself a meal, ate, immediately went back to sleep.

I was wiped.

In my defence, I did try and stay up to do stuff every time I woke up to do the absolutely necessary stuff, but I was just too damned tired. The minute I sat down, I pretty much just keeled over onto my side and slept. The whole day.

Only in the evening did that 'I slept too much' feeling arrive. The rest of the time I was legitimately sleepy.

I must have really needed all that sleep (and the return to exercise), because I'm feeling much more myself today. It feels like a lifetime since I was feeling like myself. It hasn't actually been that long, but work has been frustrating (to put it mildly), and I've been annoyed and angry at myself for various life reasons, and I haven't been resting as well as I could be, and I haven't been able to punch focus mitts, or kick any shields for months. 

I'm really hoping that with things settling back into its usual schedule, I might actually stop being such an anti-social twit. And that I'll be able to get myself back on schedule for all the things that I need to get done before the year is out.

Speaking of, I will let you go now, and get back to work.

Slán go foill!

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