Siding With Savages

Published on 20 August 2024 at 08:00

Good morning, Readers!

Have you ever come across a song that's so perfect for a story you've written that you just play it over and over and let your brain go crazy in the world of that story?

Or perhaps you imagine that the story has been adapted for the big (or little) screen, and this song features somewhere in that production?

My brain does both, honestly. So, when I stumbled across a snippet of this song on TikTok my brain went into hyper-drive. I hunted down the full thing and was not disappointed (sometimes snippets promise something that is never delivered. Not in this instance, though). Not only did I relive scenes I had written years ago in vivid detail, but I fully envisioned the end credits of the adaptation of the story rolling upwards on the screen to this song.

​The chorus of the song rang particularly clear for me:

"Let me sing louder
For all the voices who can't sing.
Breaking down those barriers
That keep your heart held within.
I will be warrior, oh I will be
A sister for you.

To the savage daughters
Who's hearts still burn.
My body is my temple.
My hurt is my hurt.
To the savage daughters
Who dare to dream
With the power to move mountains
Yet wild and free."

I put in bold the two lines that most resonated.

The story is, of course, is Daughters of Britain, a story I wrote that follows the two wronged daughters of the British war-queen Boudicca (well, one of the sisters, primarily). There's something about this song that just... feels like Mederei, who continues her mother's fight for freedom.

Anyway, I am in love with this song right now. If ever Daughters of Britain gets adapted, I would die of joy to have this song be the end credits. It just fits, I feel.

Get on that, Hollywood. Anyway, here's the song:

Don't mind me. I will be spending the rest of this month listening to this exclusively.

Slán go foill!

Quick edit to add that this would also work SO WELL with the main character from The Lioness of Shara Mountain, which you won't get to read for another year and a bit... But trust me. It fits.

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